The task was to create an urban Children's Village with a daycare center and an office department that integrates well into the spatial needs of the people living in the Dell neighborhood. While the building makes its presence known, it is in no way overpowering existing structures in the vicinity. On the contrary, the warm brick tones blend in well with other close-by brickwork buildings and the block-like appearance almost heals the fragmented urban blocks. The somewhat L-shaped building is situated along the road in the north and west to create several protected courtyards to the south. One of those publically accessible and inviting with lush greenery and a café, the other one closed off for the daycare center.
Site Plans
The building plot - currently a parking lot - used to be a traditional urban block structure. Keeping in mind that the block remnants can still be perceived, the planned building closes the block gap by situating itself outwards along the roads.Towards the crossroad, a higher cube is emphasizing the area while along the road a lower, triangular mass is cutting into it. At the intersection of the two buildings, an entrance gesture is created. The building is further sectioned into multiple areas depending on the internal usage.
View from the crossroad.
2nd and 3rd Floor
1st Floor
Ground Floor
South Elevation
West and East Elevation
North Elevation
Section and Elevation Detail
Daycare center courtyard.
View from the Children's Village apartments.
Site Model in 1:500
Building Model in 1:100
Facade Model in 1:20
Site Plans
The building plot - currently a parking lot - used to be a traditional urban block structure. Keeping in mind that the block remnants can still be perceived, the planned building closes the block gap by situating itself outwards along the roads. Towards the crossroad, a higher cube is emphasizing the area while along the road a lower, triangular mass is cutting into it. At the intersection of the two buildings, an entrance gesture is created. The building is further sectioned into multiple areas depending on the internal usage.
View from the crossroad.
2nd and 3rd Floor
1st Floor
Ground Floor
South Elevation
West and East Elevation
North Elevation
Section and Elevation Detail
Daycare center courtyard.
View from the Children's Village apartments.
Site Model in 1:500
Building Model in 1:100
Facade Model in 1:20
Currently in Zurich, Switzerland
Coming Soon!